Monday, December 17, 2012

What To Do To Lose Weight: Five Simple Things You Can Do

Many people have been on and off the weight loss merry go round for years because they'll get rid of unwanted pounds just to turn around and gain them back in a few months. If you want to know what to do to lose weight for good you have come to the right place. There are a few simple lifestyle changes you need to make in order to take the pounds off and keep them off. Here is a quick guideline.

Cut Fats
The first thing you need to do to get rid of fat is to reduce the amount of fat you eat. Cut your added fats in half. Use half the butter you put on your toast, sour cream you put on your potatoes, dressing you put on salads and even cut your mayo and other oils in half that you use.

Stay Physically Active
This is a given when deciding on what to do to lose weight. If you’re trying to shed pounds you need to indulge in some form of exercise 4-5 times a week for at least 45 minutes at a time. This could be walking, jogging, kickboxing, aerobics, swimming, dancing or any other physical activity. If you just need to maintain your weight then 3 days a week will do fine. The key is to choose something that you won't get bored with otherwise you'll quit exercising. Try mixing up workout routines to help stay interested.

Drink Plenty of Water
You’ve heard it before but it’s true. You need to have 8-10 glasses of water per day. Water helps your body rid itself of toxins and impurities that can lead to weight gain. Replace your juices, soda and alcohol with water. Stay away from diet sodas. They contain a lot of sweeteners that make you crave sugars.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies
Fresh fruits and vegetables are low calorie foods that contain a lot of nutrients. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet help you to feel more full and avoid other foods that are high in calories. When strategizing about what to do to lose weight, you should definitely incorporate eating a serving of fruits and/or vegetables with every meal.

Make a Shopping List
When you go shopping take a list with you. Buy only what’s on the list and don’t be tempted to put extra items in the basket. Try to eat before you go in order to avoid grabbing foods high in calorie on impulse.

 Now that you know what to do to lose weight and not put the pounds back on, it's up to you to implement these simple techniques. If you make these strategies a way of life you shouldn't ever have to worry about gaining back unwanted pounds.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Quick Ways To Lose Weight: "Just Dance" by Nintendo's Wii

The biggest battle with those who set out looking for quick ways to lose weight is staying motivated and interested in the workout plan. We all know that you will lose weight faster with a exercise regime that you can stick to versus on you won't. A lot of workout programs fail simply because it gets boring, therefore it is essential to add some spice and variety to your workout routine if you plan to lose weight. A great way to do just that is to incorporate the "Just Dance" game available on Nintendo's Wii into your workout.

The Wii has a variety of interactive games that are great to play if you're looking to lose weight. They even have an entire segment of the console called "Wii Fit" that is entirely dedicated to working out and staying healthy. If you love to dance then "Just Dance" is a great way to help you lose weight and have fun doing it. All you have to do is mimic the dance moves of an onscreen animated dancer. This provides for an excellent cardiovascular workout which raises the heart rate and burns calories. Feel free to add "Just Dance" by Nintendo's Wii to your list of quick ways to lose weight.

Start With a Low Impact or Slow Song

"Just Dance" by Wii has a variety of slow, mid and up tempo popular songs to choose from. It also gives you the choice to perform moves to a short or full version of the song. Start with a slower tempo song to get yourself warmed up and maybe the short version if you're new to working out. This will allow you to get in the groove of things before you step up the pace to a higher impact routine. When doing your moves you want to make sure you are doing them full out so as to get the full impact of the workout.

Work Your Way Up

Once you've done your warm up routine it's time to move on to something with a faster pace. This will give a more intense cardio workout and burn more calories. I suggest doing one of the higher impact or faster songs if you're new to working out and two if you've worked out before. If you're looking to lose weight quickly you may even try performing three faster songs to burn even more calories.

End With a Slower Song and Stretches

End your Wii "Just Dance" Workout with another slower to mid tempo song. This will allow you to cool down and reduce your heart rate back to normal. A cool down and stretches is something you should always end your workout with no matter what form of exercise you are doing . The stretches are great because they reduce soreness and injuries, which will help to motivate you to want to continue to workout. Pretty soon you will get so good at your "Just Dance" workout with Wii you won't need to look at the animated dancer to help you with the moves. Besides adding this to your list of quick ways to lose weight, you can also add this one to your fun ways to lose weight list.